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Risultati TALIS 2013 : Una prospettiva internazionale sull'insegnamento e sull'apprendimento
ISBN: 9264251693 Year: 2016 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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Come possono i Paesi preparare gli insegnanti a far fronte alle diverse sfide nelle scuole di oggi? L’indagine internazionale sull’insegnamento e l’apprendimento (TALIS) dell’OCSE fornisce elementi utili per rispondere a questa domanda, ponendo direttamente agli insegnanti e ai dirigenti scolastici domande  sulle loro condizioni di lavoro e sul clima di apprendimento nel loro istituto. L’indagine TALIS ha l’obiettivo di fornire  dati validi, recenti e comparabili,  per  aiutare i Paesi a esaminare e definire politiche per l’istruzione che siano volte alla formazione  di una professione insegnante di elevata  qualità. Per gli insegnanti e i dirigenti scolastici, lo studio dell’OCSE rappresenta un’opportunità per contribuire con le loro risposte all’analisi e alla formulazione di politiche per l’istruzione in aree cruciali della loro professione. Tra i temi esaminati figurano lo sviluppo professionale, la leadership degli istituti scolastici, le pratiche didattiche, il clima scolastico, la valutazione e il feedback, la soddisfazione lavorativa e i profili degli insegnanti. Il presente rapporto sintetizza i risultati della seconda edizione dell’indagine TALIS, condotta nel 2013.



Schools for 21st-Century Learners : Strong Leaders, Confident Teachers, Innovative Approaches (Korean version)
ISBN: 926425417X Year: 2016 Publisher: Seoul : Korean Educational Development Institute,

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OCSE: Skills Outlook 2013 : Primi risultati della ricerca sulle competenze degli adulti
ISBN: 926425370X Year: 2016 Publisher: Torino : Loescher Editore,

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L’istruzione e la formazione sono ormai universalmente considerate, anche tra i sostenitori di diverse visioni globali e di differenti antropologie, leve di sviluppo individuale e collettivo. Negli ultimi anni da una visione dell’insegnamento e della formazione centrate su che cosa si insegna si è, gradualmente, giunti a una visione in cui al centro stanno i soggetti che imparano e i loro obiettivi di apprendimento. Gli obiettivi di apprendimento sono declinati, sempre più spesso, come competenze. L’Italia sconta, da questo punto di vista, un ritardo che viene da lontano e che ha portato a misconoscere, per troppo tempo, i risultati della ricerca educativa   evidence based     e della prospettiva student’s voice per orientare riforme, cambiamenti, visioni. Il contributo che offre la traduzione di questo volume consiste nel mettere a disposizione di tutti gli addetti ai lavori (insegnanti, formatori, studiosi, ricercatori, decisori politici) e di tutte le persone interessate una grande ricchezza di dati come quelli del Rapporto OCSE, introdotti e commentati con particolare attenzione alla situazione italiana. L’intenzione che guida questo lavoro è quella di fornire una fonte attendibile con la quale ribadire, ancora una volta, che spendere in ricerca e istruzione significa investire e che gli investimenti ben condotti, in questo campo, hanno ritorni significativi non soltanto dal punto di vista economico. L’equità delle opportunità in un tempo come quello presente appare l’unico vero antidoto alla crisi economica, di senso, di prospettive che attraversiamo. L’istruzione, la formazione e la ricerca possono costituire un “faro” che ci guidi verso un nuovo “noi”.



Skills beyond School : Synthesis Report (Korean version)
ISBN: 9264268227 Year: 2016 Publisher: Seoul : Korean Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training,

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The Survey of Adult Skills : Reader's Companion, Second Edition
ISBN: 9264258078 926425806X Year: 2016 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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In the wake of the technological revolution that began in the last decades of the 20th century, labour market demand for information-processing and other high-level cognitive and interpersonal skills is growing substantially. The Survey of Adult Skills, a product of the OECD Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), was designed to provide insights into the availability of some of these key skills in society and how they are used at work and at home. The first survey of its kind, it directly measures proficiency in several information-processing skills – namely literacy, numeracy and problem solving in technology-rich environments. The Survey of Adult Skills: Reader’s Companion, Second Edition describes the design and methodology of the survey and its relationship to other international assessments of young students and adults. It is a companion volume to Skills Matter: Further Results from the Survey of Adult Skills. Skills Matter reports results from the 24 countries and regions that participated in the first round of the survey in 2011-12 (first published in OECD Skills Outlook 2013: First Results from the Survey of Adult Skills) and from the nine additional countries that participated in the second round in 2014-15 (Chile, Greece, Indonesia [Jakarta], Israel, Lithuania, New Zealand, Singapore, Slovenia and Turkey).



Low-Performing Students : Why They Fall Behind and How To Help Them Succeed
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9264250247 9264257772 9264250239 Year: 2016 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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There is no country or economy participating in PISA 2012 that can claim that all of its 15-year-old students have achieved a baseline level of proficiency in mathematics, reading and science. Poor performance at school has long-term consequences, both for the individual and for society as a whole.  Reducing the number of low-performing students is not only a goal in its own right but also an effective way to improve an education system’s overall performance – and equity, since low performers are disproportionately from socio-economically disadvantaged families. Low-performing Students: Why they Fall Behind and How to Help them Succeed examines low performance at school by looking at low performers’ family background, education career and attitudes towards school. The report also analyses the school practices and educational policies that are more strongly associated with poor student performance. Most important, the evidence provided in the report reveals what policy makers, educators, parents and students themselves can do to tackle low performance and succeed in school.



PISA 2015 Assessment and Analytical Framework : Science, Reading, Mathematic and Financial Literacy
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9264255427 9264255419 Year: 2016 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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“What is important for citizens to know and be able to do?” The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) seeks to answer that question through the most comprehensive and rigorous international assessment of student knowledge and skills. The PISA 2015 Assessment and Analytical Framework presents the conceptual foundations of the sixth cycle of the triennial assessment. Similar to the previous cycles, the 2015 assessment covers science, reading and mathematics, with the major focus on scientific literacy this cycle. Financial literacy is also evaluated as an optional assessment, as it was in 2012.A questionnaire about students’ background is distributed to all participating students. Students may also choose to complete additional questionnaires: one about their future studies and career, a second about their familiarity with information and communication technologies. School principals complete a questionnaire about the learning environment in their schools, and parents of students who sit the PISA test can choose to complete a questionnaire about the home environment. Seventy-one countries and economies, including all 34 OECD countries, participated in the PISA 2015 assessment.



Equity, Excellence and Inclusiveness in Education : Policy Lessons from Around the World (Korean version)
ISBN: 9264254250 Year: 2016 Publisher: Seoul : Korean Educational Development Institute,

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Governing Education in a Complex World
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9264255362 9264255354 Year: 2016 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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What models of governance are effective in complex education systems? In all systems an increasing number of stakeholders are involved in designing, delivering and monitoring education. Like our societies, education systems are increasingly diverse regarding students, teachers and communities, as well as the values and identities we expect education to deliver. These trends have increased the complexity of education systems, leaving decision makers on all governance levels with the question of how to successfully manoeuvre in this highly dynamic policy area. Governing Education in a Complex World addresses key challenges involved in governing modern education systems, looking specifically at complexity, accountability, capacity building and strategic thinking. The publication brings together research from the OECD Secretariat and invited chapters from international scholars to provide a state of the art analysis and a fresh perspective on some of the most challenging issues facing educational systems today. Creating the open, dynamic and strategic governance systems necessary for governing complex systems is not easy. This volume challenges our traditional concepts of education governance through work on complexity, collaborative networks and decision-making. In doing so it sets the agenda for thinking about the inclusive and adaptable systems necessary for governing education in today’s world. The volume will be a useful resource for those interested in education governance and complexity, particularly policy-makers, education leaders, teachers and the education research community.



Internationalization of Higher Education in India.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9386042177 9789386042170 9386042169 9789386042163 9386042134 Year: 2016 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified]

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